Buffalo Fire Woman

At once a participatory photography experiment and an original postal exhibition, which invites the audience to converse with 7 Indigenous women from the New Mexico desert through a game of words and visuals.
The Buffalo Fire Woman project is an experiment of participatory photography that took place in the high Colorado Plato of the South Western United States, in winter 2018. Art Therapist and Photographer Dafni Kalafati travelled extensively in the dessert empowering native pueblo women to tell their own story though the photographic lens.
Using mostly disposable cameras and basic equipment the women participating in the project capture moments of their reality, making statements and expressing dreams.
The result is a work in progress participatory visual collage of the pueblo identity today expressed by the pueblo women themselves.
Research – Photography Workshops: Dafni Kalafati
Photographs: Norma Naranjo (Pueblo Ohkay Owingeh), Rachael Lorenzo (Pueblo Laguna), Mallery Quentaki (Pueblo Zuni), Rita Jojola (Pueblo Isleta), Tasha Nelson (Pueblo Santa Clara), Tracey Charly (Pueblo Acoma), Jeniffer Marley (Pueblo San Idelfonso)
Supported by: Santa Fe Art Institute, Fulbright Foundation – Greece