eLecture [ΗΛΕΚΤΣΟΥΡ]

The passage you are looking at comes from the book “Specters of Marx: The State of the Debt, the Work of Mourning and the New International” by the philosopher Jacques Derrida. You can send your own reply, in writing or as an audio file to electurefingersix@gmail.com, or you can send the quote itself, if you can guess it! Good luck!



What is the content of the information conveyed by a mouth that dances with words, indifferent to their purpose or function within a structured, written text?


Concept – Creation: Sofia Mavragani

Performance – Co-creation: Antigoni Fryda

Video: Dimitris Zahos

Musical Collaborator: Martha Mavroidi

Makeup: Katianna Chatzilouizou

Production Management: FINGERSIX / athens



eLecture [ΗΛΕΚΤΣΟΥΡ] is part of the creative process of the performance «MOUTH»

«MOUTH» is co-funded by the Ministry of Culture and Sports and is a co-production of the Athens and Epidaurus Festival 2021.